“Delicious Sun Treats, Bear Claws, Angel Food Cake… So many treats and treasures.” Pike Trickfoot, One Year Later…
During their year off from grand adventures, Vex’ahlia, Pike, Taryon, and Keyleth decided one drunken night to open up a bakery. The Slayer’s Cake in Whitestone was up and running in no time. Inside you’ll find warm glowing lamps, an atmosphere so cozy you’ll just want to snuggle next to the fireplace, sweet aromas, and delicious baked delights that will bring a smile to your face.

While you might not be able to travel to Whitestone in real life, you can turn your own kitchen into The Slayer’s Cake (temporarily) with this Critical Role-inspired recipe for Sun Treats.
Sun Treats (Iced Sugar Cookies)
What You Need
- Your favorite rolled sugar cookie recipe
- Leaf-shaped cookie cutter
- Green cookie icing
- Yellow candy melts
- Yellow sprinkles
Get Started!
Begin by making the dough for your favorite rolled sugar cookies. If you don’t already have a favorite, this sugar cookie recipe from AllRecipes works well for bakers of all levels. Be sure to chill the dough for the recommended amount of time.
Next, flour your baking surface and roll out the cookie dough. Use the leaf cookie cutter to cut the dough into leaf shapes.

Arrange the leaf-shaped dough on an ungreased cookie sheet and follow the baking directions from the cookie recipe.

Let the cookies cool completely.
Next, use a knife or spatula to cover the cookie in green icing.

Place the yellow candy melt in the center of the cookie, pressing it firmly in the icing. Arrange the sprinkles as rays of sunlight around the yellow “sun” candy melt. Your Sun Treat is complete.

To finish your kitchen transformation, stop by the Geek & Sundry online store to order a Slayer’s Cake apron. You’ll feel like you’re in downtown Whitestone whenever you slip it on!
Tune into Geek & Sundry’s Twitch channel every Thursday night for the next exciting adventure in Critical Role.
Image: Geek & Sundry
Photos: Kelly Knox