THE WALKING DEAD Announces Trilogy of Movies Starring Rick Grimes

Warning: SPOILERS within for last night's episode of The Walking Dead, "What Comes After."Hey, so you know how the Game of Thrones showrunners briefly considered ending the series in a trilogy of movies? They may have scrapped that idea, but Rick Grimes and The Walking Dead are running with it. All the hype that Andrew Lincoln had shot his last episode was true...from a certain point of view. Because he's going to star in the movies instead. This tidbit was first announced on Talking Dead immediately after the episode aired, but Entertainment Weekly subsequently confirmed it with Chief Content Officer Scott Gimple, who says, "These are not going to be made on television schedules. This is going to be on feature schedules, and they’re going to be big, so they’re going to take a minute to make."

As for plot and setting, he'll only confirm that of course Anne/Jadis will be involved, and it'll be "a very new situation with its own history, and very, very different from what we’ve seen before." (Again, we say it's most likely Commonwealth.) The Rick Grimes movies will be spaced out, and they'll be the first part of a greater expanded universe that could follow other characters who leave, or maybe go back in time to cover some who've died. But given the immense amount of misdirection about Rick's "leaving," we have to suspect that when Gimple talks about a possible Maggie spin-off, he really means she's actually toast. But we'll see.What character-centric spin-offs would you like to see next? Walk down to comments and let us know!

Images: AMC