The Batman‘s release date is right around the corner. And so it’s no surprise we are getting lots of new glimpses of Robert Pattinson’s Batman and the rest of the motley crew that will soon grace our screens. In a series of recently revealed photos, we delve deeper into the world of the movie. We even get our clearest look at Batman’s chief foes in the film, the Riddler, Penguin, and possibly friendlier Catwoman.
The Batman 2022: New Images of the Riddler and Penguin

We have to say, this definitely feels like the Riddler’s quietest look to date. Gone are the myriad of question marks and the ostentatious top hat. Instead, this quirky character glares at us through what resembles plastic lab glasses. And he’s dressed head to toe in army green. A more minimalist take, shall we say. Perhaps predicting the overall nature of the movie.
Meanwhile, Penguin sneers from his throne, and we don’t feel surprised to see shiny plaid and a big ring. We can’t wait to see what trouble this duo will get up to in the movie.
We also get to see these two villains in situ. We have to say, Penguin’s lair (we assume) really matches his outward appearance. It looks like The Batman 2022 knows how to create an aesthetic. This is good because Penguin will need a strong brand to carry his HBO Max spin-off show.

The Batman 2022: New Images of Catwoman, Batman, and More
In addition, we get to see Bruce Wayne’s frenemy/possible love interest Selina Kyle, a.k.a Catwoman, suited up. We love a good battle of the black bodysuits. And we love that motorcycle. How this relationship will play out feels like one of the movie’s biggest questions. (Second only to will the Batman’s true love, the Joker appear in the 2022 movie?)

Further new shots include the man himself, of course, as well as Lt. James Gordon. Robert Pattinson’s version of Batman continues to feel delightfully emo. Bangs, frown, black three-piece suit, and all. He’s striding off to take action. But we can tell he’s deep in brood. Lt. James Gordon, not yet a commissioner, according to the image’s caption, will probably have his hands full with this one.

The Batman 2022: New Behind-The-Scenes Images
The final new images from The Batman feature director Matt Reeves with his leading man. These behind-the-scenes shots give us a taste of the dynamic process that went into creating this film.

We can’t wait to see Reeves‘ take come to life when The Batman releases in theaters on March 4.