When you can combine a world record with the thing you love most in the world, it makes holding it that much more awesome. Rick Scolamiero from Edmonton, Alberta has done just that by officially having the most Marvel characters tattooed on one person’s body.
Thanks to this report by Geeks are Sexy, you can see it with your own eyes. 31 Marvel characters covering Rick’s entire body (well, ALMOST. Don’t think we didn’t notice the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on his back). While all the tattoos are amazing looking, the best part is that the human body doesn’t have to worry about who holds what movie rights when it comes to these characters. Will we see Black Widow and Wolverine team up on the big screen? Probably not, but we can imagine it thanks to Rick’s left side and arm.
He was even able to throw in some LEGO heroes onto his ankles for good measure. We can see why. They are a perfect size.
We are not sure if any other fans will be able to endure what it would take to get 32 tattoos and break Rick’s record. Here’s hoping he doesn’t pick up a Batman comic and realize he’s made a huge mistake. You can check out more world record-breaking videos from Guinness on their YouTube channel here.
So what do you think? Is there anything you love so much that you’d get 31 tattoos as a tribute to it? Let us know on Facebook or sound off in the comments below.
Images: Guinness World Records
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