Action figures and movies have been going together like peanut butter and jellyOpens in a new tab since a little movie called Star Wars came out in 1977. Nowadays, every action, horror, or superhero film gets some action figures to its name. Thanks to Laughing SquidOpens in a new tab, we’ve discovered this short film that really celebrates action figures and movies together. In it, several iconic movie moments come to life with figures using stop-motionOpens in a new tab. All of these moments come with a bit of a comedic twist, of course. You can watch Yeti Pictures’ short film Miniwood right here:
Based out of Athens, Greece, Yeti Pictures is a team of designers/directors with a focus in motion graphics, 3D animation, and art direction. Here’s what the filmmakers at Yeti had to say about the making of their short film Miniwood:
When we were kids we used to play with action/toy figures and as we grew up Hollywood’s movies blew out our imagination. Today we present you our animation homage to these great memories through Yeti Pictures miniworlds style, with a big dose of humor and plot twist!! Enter our MINIWOOD world!!

Among the movies in this short are classics like The Exorcist, King Kong, Jurassic ParkOpens in a new tab, Kill Bill, Terminator 2, and The Addams Family. There is even a brief nod to the original Robocop. It’s fun seeing little demon-possessed Regan McNeil go full Neo from The Matrix. And it’s equally nice to see Thing from the Addams clan have its moment.
We’re also not sure where King Kong got those flyswatters on Skull Island. Points for thinking ahead, you big lug. Our favorite part though has to be the Jurassic Park portion though. Anyone with a certain type of pet will likely relate to this moment. This is one stop-motion film we definitely would not mind seeing a sequel to in the future.