The Star Wars Ring Theory isn’t new: it’s been around for a couple of years, but it’s been on our minds since seeing Rogue One, the first real connection between the prequels and the original trilogy (though a small handful of us are still in the Snoke = Darth Plagueis Club). For two years Mike Klimo put together his massive and fascinating essay arguing that George Lucas was connecting all six films into something far more complex than we might have thought, by using an old technique found in ancient stories called ring composition.
“The story is organized into a sequence of elements that progress from a beginning to a well-marked midpoint. Then, the ring turns and the first sequence of elements is repeated in reverse order until the story returns to the starting point.”
So what does that mean? Think of it like this, instead of lining up the original sequels with their installment equivalent in the prequels, which would seem obvious (in this case that would mean that Menace = Hope, Clones = Empire, Sith = Jedi), they actually line up in a mirrored form (so Menace = Jedi, Clones = Empire, and Sith = Hope).
Your first instinct might be to say, “So what? Even if that’s right it doesn’t change how I feel about the movies.” But Klimo explains why it’s still worth considering.
“The scheme is so carefully worked out by Lucas, so intricately organized, that it unifies the films with a common universal structure (or what film scholar David Bordwell might call a “new formal strategy”), creating a sense of overall balance and symmetry.At the same time, Lucas’s use of this ancient form revises our readings of the films and the saga as a whole, and opens up new ways of thinking about Star Wars. It also allows us to gain a much greater understanding and appreciation for the films, and gives us a deeper sense of the magnitude of Lucas’s accomplishment.”
His breakdown showing the use of ring composition, with countless specific examples from the paired films, is extensive, and worth any Star Wars fan’s time, especially because any chance to see the prequels, and yes, even the original trilogy, in a new light is a chance to appreciate them even more. It’s doubtful anyone will think less of the movies as a result of this theory, but it might just enhance how you feel about them.
Images: Lucasfilm