Alphabet Squadron’s pilots have been through a lot—and all of it’s happened over the course of just two books by Alexander Freed. The first two novels in the Star Wars trilogy, Alphabet Squadron and Shadow Wing, introduced readers to Yrica Quell, Wyl Lark, Kairos, Chass na Chadic, and Nath Tensent. And so many more. We watched the group come together, sometimes reluctantly as they pushed through trauma and preconceived notions about each other. Still, they’ve managed to form an improbably solid team, though they’ve tested the pressure points repeatedly. External factors like contending with the remnants of the Empire haven’t helped. But now, the squadron’s story is about to come to an end with the final book in the trilogy. Nerdist is thrilled to exclusively reveal the title, cover, and description for the third Alphabet Squadron novel.
Star Wars: Victory’s Price will give the aces of Alphabet Squadron one final chance to defeat the darkness of Shadow Wing. Uh, that sounds ominous. Then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less than completely intense situations for the Rebellion pilots. Speaking of things being serious, please behold the cover for Victory’s Price featuring one Wyl Lark.

Del Rey
Now, let’s take a look at the official description for Star Wars: Victory’s Price:
In the wake of Yrica Quell’s shocking decision—and one of the fiercest battles of their lives—the remnants of Alphabet Squadron seek answers and closure across a galaxy whose old war scars are threatening to reopen.Soran Keize has returned to the tip of Shadow Wing’s spear. Operation Cinder, the terrifying protocol of planetary extermination which began in the twilight of the Imperial era, burns throughout the galaxy. Shadow Wing is no longer wounded prey fleeing the hunters of the New Republic. With its leader, its strength has returned, and its Star Destroyers and TIE squadrons lurk in the darkness between stars, carrying out the fallen Emperor’s final edict of destruction—as well as another, stranger mission, one Keize has championed not for the dying Empire, but for its loyal soldiers.
Alphabet Squadron’s ships are as ramshackle and damaged as their spirits, but they’ve always had each other. Now, as they face the might of Keize’s reborn juggernaut, they aren’t even sure they have that. How do you catch a shadow? How do you kill it? And when you’re finally victorious, who pays the price?
Who does pay the price?! We’re not ready. But we are ready to place a pre-order for Star Wars: Victory’s Price, so it’s a good thing Penguin Random House has that link ready. The current release date is March 2, 2021.
Featured Image: Del Rey
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of The Jedi Mind, available for pre-order now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.