We bet you deserve a break. Don’t we all? The long work week, the general state of the world, it can get stressful. But luckily, now you can unwind and do some good with a relaxing video of sleeping otters. This soothing video, which we first saw on Laughing Squid, comes courtesy of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. In a series termed the “Littoral Relaxocean,” the aquarium has created a set of soothing videos that highlight sea life.
This relaxing otter video offers 12 hours of pure joy. The adorable otters are content to let the waves carry them where they will. Sometimes, if they can muster it up, they give a little roll in slow motion. Possibly, they have it in them to enjoy a small snack. The ocean hums a soothing sound in the background, perfectly calm. It really does help you stop, slow down, and breathe. The aquarium suggests that it’s the perfect thing to “sleep, study, [or] work to!” You can also watch live otters at any time with the aquarium’s live sea otter cam.

Monterey Bay Aquarium
It makes sense, of course, that this video would be the ultimate in relaxation. The series name is “Littoral Relaxocean,” after all. This title offers a witty play on the words “Literal Relaxation.” “Littoral” actually means relating to or on an ocean’s shore. And while every relaxing video in the series soothes the soul, the video about the otters also exists to support a good cause: Sea Otter Awareness Week. So as you drift with our sleepy, snuggly otters, you can also check out YouTube’s #SeaOtterAwarenessWeek tag to learn more about this adorable creature.
Sea otters are actually a threatened species, and it’s essential to learn more about them. The U.S. Department of Interior shares some adorable facts about the sea otter.
For instance, did you know:
A group of resting otters is called a raft. Otters love to rest in groups. Researchers have seen concentrations of over 1,000 otters floating together. To keep from drifting away from each other, sea otters will wrap themselves up in seaweed, forming something that resembles a raft.
There you have it; the video above highlights a raft of otters. And to avoid losing each other in the ocean, they’ve wrapped up in seaweed. That’s a buddy system that has our heart-swelling for sure.
So kick back, unwind, and join the raft as you drift off into a relaxing snooze alongside the otters.