Of all the iconic slasher movie killers, Ghostface from the Scream franchiseOpens in a new tab is the most unique. Mainly because Ghostface isn’t one person, it’s a disguise used by several people over the course of four moviesOpens in a new tab. But that costume and creepy modulated voice have landed Ghostface into an iconic company with the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers. And since all of those guys have adorable plush toys based on them, it’s high time Ghostface got one of its own, right?

Mezco Toyz
Via Bloody-DisgustingOpens in a new tab, we’ve learned that Mezco Toys are releasing a Ghostface plush doll. The Ghostface Roto plush doll is now up for pre-order at the official Mezco site. Measuring 18″ tall, Ghostface wears their signature black robe. They also come with a big old hunting knife that fits right into their hand. The Ghostface roto plush doll comes packaged in a die-cut window box, which is perfect for display purposes.
Mezco Toyz
Another reason this is the perfect time to get yourself a Ghostface plush toy? In 2022, the Scream franchise returns for a fifth installmentOpens in a new tab (which will just be called Scream, for reasons). Heck, freak everyone out and bring Ghostface with you to the theater. At least he won’t steal any of your popcorn.

Mezco Toyz
Ghostface will make for the perfect Halloween decoration during the month of October. Or, you can just have them sitting on your couch all year long. Pretend they’re asking you what your favorite scary movie is, right as you’re about to binge watch a ton of horror films. Better make sure you don’t tell them that Jason was the killer in the original Friday the 13th though. Ghostface doesn’t like wrong answers to horror movie trivia. Just ask poor Drew Barrymore.

Mezco Toyz
Ghostface ships in June-August of 2021, and retails for $94.
Featured Image: Mezco Toyz