Whoever your favorite MCU character may be, it’s hard to argue that Thor has the greatest weaponsOpens in a new tab of any Avenger. Sure, Captain America has that cool shield. But the God of ThunderOpens in a new tab has not only his mystical hammer MjölnirOpens in a new tab, he also has his impressive axe Stormbreaker. And now, you can have an authentic replica Stormbreaker of your very own. And it’s screen accurate right on down to that Groot-created handle. It looks as if Eitri the dwarf king forged it on Nidavellir himself.

This authentic replica comes from the Etsy shop FunancyDesignOpens in a new tab (via Geeks are SexyOpens in a new tab). And it’ll only set you back $1,130. Yes, that’s a steep price for a battle axe. But honestly, though, it’s worth it to have the best Avengers: Infinity War Thor cosplay ever, right? You can see several images of this Asgardian beautyOpens in a new tab down below:

According to the official description, this amazing replica is created exactly in accordance with the size of Stormbreaker we see in the MCU films, with a 1:1 ratio. The height of the axe is 131cm/51.57inch. The text and totems are all there. Even the small holes left on the surface of the axe occurring in the casting process are visible as well. All details are showcased in the final product.

FunancyDesign has a metric ton of other cool MCU replica props in their shop. There’s a fairly screen-accurate version of Captain America’s shield. There’s even an unfinished versionOpens in a new tab of the shield, as seen in Iron Man 2. You can also find Black Widow’s batonsOpens in a new tab, and Doctor Strange’s Eye of AgamottoOpens in a new tab as a necklace. Several different versions of Iron Man’s helmet also have some amazing reproductions. And, of course, there is also a pretty snappy Infinity GauntletOpens in a new tab (I couldn’t resist the pun, forgive me.)
For more information and photos, be sure to head on over to FunancyDesignOpens in a new tab.