Climate change (and the ever-looming specter of the planet’s total annihilation) has made it harder to justify owning some oversized gas-guzzler, but we have come across one very cool SUV we would still love to drive around town. We would just need to make sure that town is a very, very cold place that never gets above freezing, because this jalopy has a body made entirely out of ice.The YouTube Channel Wonder World posted this video (which we came across at Geekologie) of a Mercedes G-Wagon replica that features an exterior made of ice. A team out of Garage 54 in Novosibirsk, Russia “took a chassis from an old ex-Soviet-era UAZ-469 military jeep, then welded a steel box frame to the base of the car in the shape of a G-Wagon.” Six tonnes of sculpted ice blocks later and they had a body that looks gorgeous as it changes colors.
Featured Image: Wonder World