Snooze on This Snorlax Bean Bag Chair and Poké Ball Ottoman

Which Pokémon best represents you? There are hundreds of super cute creatures to choose from, but if you’re like us—people who love to relax and who are always wondering if it’s time to go to bed yet—then you probably relate to the best sleepy boy: Snorlax. Known as Kabigon in its native Japan, the large snuggly Pokémon is often seen sleeping in inconvenient locations. And now you can join them, with this incredible Snorlax bean bag chair and Poké Ball ottoman.

Snooze on This Snorlax Bean Bag Chair and Poké Ball Ottoman_1

The super comfy and cute “sofa” from Japanese furniture maker Takamine is available on Rakuten and is the perfect size to curl up on and play your favorite Pokemon game or to read a really good book. It also comes with the potential add-on of a very cute Poké Ball footstool, which can also be used as a seat for those who tire of relaxing on the big boy seat.

Snooze on This Snorlax Bean Bag Chair and Poké Ball Ottoman_2

The Snorlax chair measures 14.2 inches (36 centimeters) and, according to Soranews, “The chair’s stuffing is pillow-soft, making each sitting session feel like a marshmallow hug from Snorlax himself. At the same time, though, it’s been designed so as to provide plenty of support for your back and legs, and the manufacturer promises ample stability, something that’s often lacking in less-structured bean bag chairs.”

Basically, this is not only a very good and cute-looking chair, but it also might be good for your aching bones. But you’ll have to win a fair few Poké Battles to afford this fab bit of furniture as the Snorlax Bead Sofa runs around $230, with the option to add on the Poké Ball Ottoman at a price of $322 for the pair! Still, this is an investment that we would definitely consider making because, honestly, if you can’t treat yourself to a good sleep, then what’s the point of anything?

Images: The Pokémon Company, Takamine, Rakuten

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