For many of us, our phone chargers are both the bane of and the reason for our existence. They keep our phones powered and therefore keep us connected to the world, but less positively, they tend to wear down pretty quickly, they're super prone to getting lost, and it just seems like they're never as long as you need them to be. We don't have to worry anymore, though, because there is a solution: the Grow Cable, an iPhone charger that looks like a terrifyingly pulsating umbilical cord right out of Rick and Morty's Cronenberg World (via Mashable).
Japanese artist Iizawa Mio created the Grow Cable as a commentary on modern smartphone dependence, writing on the product's Etsy page:
"The iPhone cable shaped as an umbilical cord, which keeps moving while it's charging. Now people bring their iPhone all the time in their lives. I designed the looking of this cable as an umbilical cord, which mother feeds energy to her baby. It moves as if it's trying to introduce iPhone into, just like to express an irony to people's dependence on iPhone."Yes, this is something you can buy on Etsy, as long as you don't mind being separated from $5,700.71 that could be spent on, say, a used car, or something else that could add some value to your life. Mio also has a heart on a leash for sale, so if you find yourself on a bit of a spending spree after picking up the Grow Cable, you can drop $9,501.19 on that as well. If money were no object, would you be interested in owning a disgusting Grow Cable? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Image: Mashable