The original Power Rangers are coming back together to face Rita Repulsa once again in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always. Fans are super hype to see the crew back together again; however, it feels bittersweet in several ways. First, there’s the fairly recent passing of Jason David Frank, who played Tommy on the series, as well as the absence of Amy Jo Johnson, a.k.a. the original Pink Ranger. Johnson spoke up recently to clear the air about why she didn’t return for more Power Rangers action, saying that it wasn’t about money and telling people to mind their beeswax. Fair enough. However, Amy Jo Johnson is writing a new Power Rangers comic book series to celebrate the show’s 30th anniversary. So she’s not done with this wacky universe just yet.

As Variety reports, the Kickstarter campaign “Power Rangers: A 30th Anniversary Comic Book Celebration” hit a whopping $250K in less than 24 hours. (At the time of this post’s publication, it is now at $445K.) Now, Amy Jo Johnson is ready to team up with Boom Studios for this Power Rangers comic book. She actually came up with the idea early in the pandemic and says it will be her version of what happens in this world.
We don’t know any further details at this time but the Kickstarter currently estimates books will go out to supporters in January 2024. There’s also some really cool swag for different donation tiers. It looks like it is indeed Morphin time in more ways than one.