Sometimes when you let things go, they come back better than ever. That’s happening with Nerdist Book Club. Premiering this Wednesday, April 8th Nerdist Book Club will reunite your favorite hosts to dive into literary discussions. Yes, that means Maude Garrett (Geek Bomb), Hector Navarro (DC Daily), and Rachel Heine (Nerdist‘s Editor-in-Chief) are returning! Books, laughs, wine, good times. Won’t you join us?

Nerdist Book Club will air live at 5PM PT each and every Wednesday on Nerdist‘s YouTube channel. Then afterward, they’ll be available on demand. So don’t worry, you’ll be able to catch up in case you have, I don’t know, a Zoom meet-up scheduled at the same time. And if you subscribe to Maude Garrett’s Geek Bomb Patreon for $5, the hosts will be doing a live Discord group chat Q&A directly after the show.
And don’t panic about needing to acquire and start a book ASAP. The first episode of Nerdist Book Club is all about easing in. For this first installment you’ll be meeting the hosts and looking back on Alpha Book Club and all the titles they analyzed in the past. They’ll discuss what they’ve been reading while staying home and practicing social distancing.
Perhaps most importantly, they’ll also break down the options for the first Nerdist Book Club selection. They’ll focus on books that are, for the most part, available in the public domain. That way you can read online through Project Gutenberg if you’d like. Check out your library or Kindle Unlimited for other digital options. You can certainly still get physical copies from your favorite local indie bookseller too (many of them are still taking online orders!); just be aware of shipping times.
Okay, drum roll, please. The first three options for Nerdist Book Club are:
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
- A Princess of Mars (from the John Carter series) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Cast your vote now!
Help pick the first read for #NerdistBookClub!
— Nerdist (@nerdist) April 6, 2020
We can’t wait to see you on Wednesday, April 8th, at 5PM PT.
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy. Follow her on Twitter.
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