Mediocre Jedi’s ROGUE ONE and STAR WARS Tattoos Do Chirrut Proud

As soon as I heard Chirrut Imwe’s mantra in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, I started thinking about getting it as a tattoo. And I’m not alone; I’ve seen a few others line their skin with the memorable quote, “I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.” Diehard fan Mediocre Jedi even got it in the Star Wars language Aurebesh. Look:

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Mediocre Jedi's ROGUE ONE and STAR WARS Tattoos Do Chirrut Proud_2

“I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.” (Rogue One)

The quote was added to Mediocre Jedi’s body just a week after Rogue One was released, joining two other Star Wars tattoos that you can see them all in the below gallery. There’s a Jedi Order symbol, and several pictures of his Star Wars-inspired, space-themed half sleeve.

They were all done by Collin Cullen, who inks out of Absolute Tattoo in San Diego. You can flip through Collin’s work on Instagram. He does some wonderfully shaded and detailed designs, and he’s no stranger to inking art from Star Wars. I mean, look at this samurai style Darth Vader. Do yourself a favor and check out his portfolio.

If you have nerdy ink on your skin or you’re a tattoo artist that applies pop culture, STEM, music, or other nerd-inspired ink on a regular basis, then please hit me up because I’d like to highlight you in a future Inked Wednesday gallery. You can get in touch with me via email at Send me photos of the tattoos you’d like me to feature (the higher resolution, the better) and don’t forget to let me know the name of your tattoo artist if you have it, as well the name of the shop he or she works out of. If you are the tattoo artist, give me links to your portfolios and/or Instagram accounts so I can share them with our readers.

Images: Mediocre Jedi/Twitter