Massive LORD OF THE RINGS Mini Brick Display Sets World Record

The best thing about the Guinness World RecordsOpens in a new tab is that anyone can get their name in that prestigious book. With enough skillOpens in a new tab, enough tenacityOpens in a new tab, or enough moneyOpens in a new tab, you can formally establish yourself as the very best at a certain task. However, if you want to gain the title for the “Largest Mini Brick Build” ever, you’ll definitely need some help. A massive, record-setting diorama in China required a whole team of people working for years with a lot of little pieces. The only thing more epic than this undertaking is the source they looked to for inspiration; this incredible display was inspired by the battles of The Lord of the Rings.

Guinness World Records has announcedOpens in a new tab that as of January 10, the children’s museum Smaerd LandOpens in a new tab in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China possesses the largest interlocking plastic bricks diorama in history. A work this epic required a theme to match. For that, the team went with J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Fans of the franchise will recognize some memorable locales and events from the novels and movies. By not just making this a static piece, which would have been impressive enough, the diorama has an energy to match the work that went into it.

But it would be impossible take it all in with one short video, or even one visit to the museum. You can look over this for hours and not see every single detail that went into it.

Massive LORD OF THE RINGS Plastic Brick Display Sets Record_1

Guinness World Records

No surprise that a project of this magnitude, which measures 2,060 square feet in size, required a Herculean effort from the people who built it. In total, 50 designers and brick builders spent three long years putting the display together. That included installing 150 million (yes, million) pieces.

Obviously it was all worth it. Not just because they made it into the Guinness World Records book; something this incredible is truly precious.

Featured Image: Guinness World Records