What would you do with your very own X-wing fighter? Let all the Star Wars fans in your life take joy rides? Buzz the tower while blasting “Danger Zone?” Join the Resistance and fight the Empire? This isn’t just a fun thought experiment, there is actually one up for sale in Atlanta, Georgia. A doctor spent eight years building it and takes the ship to events like Star Wars Night at baseball games and the DragonCon parade. But now it’s up for sale, as shown off in the amusing music video below.
The builder shares other videos of the X-wing making the rounds, including training videos on how to use the controls, on the XWingHerself YouTube channel. While it doesn’t actually fly, it can drive on the small wheels hidden inside the legs. The S-foils also open and close to give that real X-wing fighter look. And there’s room for R2-D2 to sit behind the cockpit and help navigate, or just provide sassy backseat driver comments.
There’s no price listed for this X-wing so it’s anyone’s guess how much it will go for. The builder plans to donate all proceeds from the sale to support Ukraine. Another X-wing recently sold at auction for over $2 million, but it was an original screen-used prop miniature of Red Leader. If you don’t want to drop all your credits, Poe Dameron’s ship is on loan to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Or perhaps you will see this one while out and about in Atlanta.

We learned about the X-wing up for sale thanks to Boing Boing. It’s not the only amazing fan-built X-wing we’ve come across over the years. Apparently it’s many people’s passion project to have own of their own, even if it just takes up space in their garage. And who can blame them, it’s the coolest ship in the galaxy after all.
Melissa is Nerdist’s science & technology staff writer. She also moderates “science of” panels at conventions and co-hosts Star Warsologies, a podcast about science and Star Wars. Follow her on Twitter @melissatruth.