A new film-focused project has graced the LEGO Ideas website, this time inspired by the classic horror comedy Beetlejuice. LEGO Ideas is a platform where fans can submit their designs to the website. If the design surpasses 10,000 supporters, LEGO creates the design into an actual set available for purchase. Past projects that have come to fruition include the new The Nightmare Before Christmas set and the BTS Dynamite set.
The Beetlejuice-inspired LEGO ideas set is titled “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!,” alluding to the new Beetlejuice Beetlejuice film in theatres. Set designer Brick Build Labs said, “Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice is returning to the big screen in a new sequel, and now is the perfect time for the return of Beetlejuice to LEGO!”
The proposed set is a modular build of the Maitland house from the film, which is central to the plots of the original and new films. Fun fact: the Maitland house in the original movie was created for the film to match Tim Burton‘s vision.
Many play features adorn the set, such as acting out scenes from the movie with the eight included minifigures. Additionally, the house’s attic features a chimney door and a light-up, green LEGO brick. Minifigure characters include Adam and Barbara Maitland, who come with alternate faces, Charles, Delia, Lydia, Otho, Miss Argentina, and the Magician’s Assistant from the Netherworld Waiting Room.
To make this set a reality, you can make a LEGO Ideas account and support it. Once it gains 10,000 supporters, it moves onto the review stage, where LEGO decides if the project is viable for mass production. The project currently has 3,300 supporters, with 566 days left to gain at least 10,000 total supporters.