Manipulating the elements is commonplace in comic books, TV shows, and movies. But now, geometric artist Jeff Sanders brings a whole new kind of power to the real world. The ability to manipulate LEGOs into cool designs. And the results of this talent feel like real sorcery.
In a recent video on his YouTube channel, Brick Bending, Sanders takes us through an incredible build. He shares, “There’s no heat, no glue, or magic tricks in [his] work—it’s just experimentation, imagination, and a lot of patience.” No magic tricks, maybe, but magic? Definitely.

Brick Bending
A kind of quiet anticipation hovers over the video as Sanders puts LEGO bricks together and takes them apart. There’s no audio at all, just the soft clack of LEGOs being snapped together or shifted apart. The video seems to build anyway, as Sanders takes us through his creation. And, in an instant, the ASMR quality of the design turns to wonder. Sanders’ build is incredible. What moments ago seemed to be a flat sheet of LEGOs now dances in the wind, twisting and turning like a DNA helix. The reveal does seem like a moment of creation.

Brick Bending
And much like during the build, Sanders says nothing as he reveals his work. Instead, only a quiet satisfaction permeates the video. The creator and the audience are both pleased at how the LEGOs curve into incredible shapes but fall into a flat sheet when they are released.
These curves of LEGOs blow the mind. The careful planning that must have gone into ensuring the result is hard to envision. This is no optical illusion but simply an incredible reality. LEGOs elevated to art.
On his YouTube channel, Sanders also shares more videos of his creations. He crafts perfect circles out of LEGOs and designs other creations that confuse and delight the mind. There is definitely a hypnotic quality to all of his videos.
[His] work sits at the nexus of art, engineering, mathematics, ancient traditions, and popular culture–exploring the patterns inherent in LEGO® bricks, and pushing the limits of what can be created with the ubiquitous construction toy.
We can’t imagine the amount of sheer math involved in making something so wonderous. But we’re enthralled and ready for more of this magic. This cool LEGO art really works for us.