Prepare your feet for a quest to bring light to the darkness. If you’re going to set out in the world with such a huge task in front of you, you need the right shoes. And SuperGroupies has you covered with their new Kingdom Hearts IIIOpens in a new tab collection (via KotakuOpens in a new tab). Their designs are thankfully more subtle and stylish than some of the cartoonishly large shoes in the Square Enix game. Let’s be real: Sora’s sneakers are especially ridiculous. But not these! Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, and Axel all inspire these shoes but in a sophisticated way.

Eschewing the cosplayOpens in a new tab accurate route, SuperGroupie instead turned to motifs to match each character. They include details on the insoles and on the shoe tongues. For example, the Roxas and Axel designs have little sea-salt ice cream symbols. Considering how many times the duo sat on the edge of the Twilight Town clock tower enjoying the treat, it’s fitting. Let’s look at that detail first.

The Sora boots feature color elements from the protagonist’s costume. The red shoelaces match his hoodie while the yellow stitching around the sole ties in elements of the shoes Sora wears in Kingdom HeartsOpens in a new tab.

This insole has some of the many keyblades Sora wields, plus the paopu fruit he shars with Kairi.

And speaking of Kairi, the pink accent on this boot echoes the pink of her outfit. The shoes have silver studs going down the back based on the buttons on Kairi’s dress.

Riku’s Kingdom Hearts III look involves a fair amount of belt buckles, so that’s reflected in the below shoes.

Roxas’ in-game shoes (not his Organization XIII ensemble) influence SuperGroupies’ footwear for the character. While the Axel boots one hundred percent lean into the dark Organization XIII robes with a removable chain.

My compliments to SuperGroupie for taking Kingdom Hearts‘ shoes and making them fashionable. They incorporated buckles, plaid, and more with flair. The made-to-order boots are available starting at 16,000 yen from the SuperGroupie websiteOpens in a new tab.
Featured Image: SuperGroupies
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of The Jedi Mind, available for pre-order nowOpens in a new tab. Follow her on TwitterOpens in a new tab and InstagramOpens in a new tab.