KFC Candles Will Bring a Fried Chicken and Buttery Biscuit Aroma to Your Home

KFC’s old 11 Herbs and Spices FirelogOpens in a new tab used to be the perfect way to taunt your family. You could throw it in the fireplace and trick your loved ones into thinking you’d brought home a bucket of crispy original fried chicken. That food-scented log had one major drawback, though. You could only use it if you had a fireplace and obviously not everyone does. So this holiday season, KFC is making it easy for everyone in every kind of home to fool their family. The fast food chain has partnered with Homesick on two KFC candles that smell like a bucket of chicken and a buttery biscuit.

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Do you want your home to smell like KFC without buying KFC? Well, that’s weird! KFC is delicious so you should just go get a bucket. If for some reason you just want to enjoy the smell without the actual fried chicken, you can now fill your house with the aroma of 11 herbs and spices with Homesick’s new food-scented collaborationOpens in a new tab (which we first heard about at FoodBeastOpens in a new tab). The KFC Bucket of Chicken candle is exactly what it sounds like. It recreates the smell of fried chicken Colonel style. Of course, it wouldn’t be a feast collection of smells without the corresponding Buttery Biscuit Candle. You can probably guess what that one smells like.

Each 13.75-ounce candle is “poured in small batches,” in case that matters to you, an apparent candle expert. Both sell for $34.95. They are currently sold out at KFC’s online store. Based on past experiences with the KFC firelog, there’s a chance they’ll become available again. But you can also grab yours for the same price from Homesick’s websiteOpens in a new tab. That’s also where you can nab a bonus KFC Bucket of Chicken car freshener for $12.

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But be careful using that car freshener if you also plan on pranking your family with the KFC candles. If they get your car after smelling it, they’ll just assume you ate the bucket of chicken on the way home.

Actually, that would make the joke even funnier, so you should do that anyway.