Chance of Rain? Wear This Giant Condom Umbrella on Your Head

Japan is often at the forefront of brilliant inventions as well as some pretty out-there ideas about how to make life easier. Take, for example, Dospara’s unique hands-free umbrella, which we learned about via a piece published by Sora News.

As you can see, it’s essentially a structured plastic hood that fixes under your arms to secure the creation to your person. It looks like a lot of things: a nipple, a pacifier, and a strangely shaped condom for your head. The wide brim can be folded up to carry around easily and is incredibly light due to the thin plastic material it’s made out of. We’re not sure how well it would work in a big storm, but at least you’d have some very dry shoulders no matter what happens. Plus, if you’ve ever wanted to look like you’re wearing a high fashion condom on your head, you’re in luck!Japan isn’t the only place getting in on the condom umbrella trend, as Blue Crate also has a version that they call the Umbrella Jacket. We’re definitely more into the ergonomic shape of the Dospara hands-free umbrella though, which seems to be far more fitted and thus obviously much more stylish. Although we jest, either of these could actually be great for people without the full use of their hands or arms so, we celebrate the ingenuity of these inventive umbrellas!Would you venture out wearing the hands free umbrella? Mad that you’ve been using your hands to carry one all of this time? Let us know below!

Images: Blue Crate, Dospara