Japan’s Pokemon Cafe Plays Tricks With Its Treats for Halloween

Yes, even Pokemon can celebrate Halloween. And when you think about it, that’s not too unusual. The notion of kids going door to door, either “catching” all the candy there is to be had, or doing battle with unique tricks if none is to be had, must seem a very familiar ritual to them. This year we’ve already seen ghostly Pokemon gear from the new Lavender Town collection, but now Japan’s Pokemon Cafe is switching up their menu for the spooky season, and now we’re trying to figure out a way we can hop on a plane and justify it as a trick-or-treating expense. SoraNews24 clued us in to all the tasty items, and we wanna eat ’em all. First up is Pikachu’s Halloween Clever Plate, which is basically the same Pikachu entree they serve all year, except now he has a little hat and a new Halloween collector plate. The Pikachu is made of potato, and comes with salad, hash-brown stars, burger patty, and a fried shrimp.

Image: Pokemon Cafe

Gastly’s Menchkatsu (mincemeat cutlet) Burger keeps the black bun craze going, likely with edible charcoal rather than the blue-green dye that Burger King notoriously used over here a couple years ago.

Image: Pokemon Cafe

The Tangela Montblanc is made of pureed sweet chestnuts, and is going to make big eyes at you like it’s a Porg just daring a Wookiee to eat it. Presumably it won’t escape your belly as easily.

Image: Pokemon Cafe

Golbat’s Drunkfloat Drink won’t actually make you drunk, but it will make you enjoy ice cream with berry flavoring.

Image: Pokemon Cafe

And finally another chestnut-flavored treat–the Pikachu latte. You can even have it served cold if “roasting on an open fire” seems too Christmassy.

Image: Pokemon Cafe

With all the potato involved, it’ll be disappointing if we can’t get some Ash Ketchup on the side.

Which ‘chu do you choose? Does this inspire any pocket monster creations in your kitchen? Gotta comment below and tell us!

Images: Pokemon Cafe