Carnival Row has arrived! The Amazon Prime series debuted today, and it’s the perfect Labor Day weekend binge. Set in an alternate version of Victorian England–in a city called The Burgue, which is populated by humans, fae and other magical folk–it tells the story of Rycroft Philostate (Orlando Bloom) and Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevigne), a human man and a fae woman torn apart by circumstance and social status. It’s an intricate world, but luckily our team was there behind the scenes to get an in-depth look at the making of Carnival Row. They even got to appear in the series as characters!
In the first episode of Into Carnival Row, our Nerdist team–Dan Casey, Amy Vorpahl, Erika Ishii, and Aliza Pearl–created their own characters to appear in the show. In this episode, they take us into the costume department to show us everything that does into the design process of creating these characters, be them magical or human.

That’s just taste of some of the gorgeousness on display in Carnival Row, which is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime. Stay tuned for more episodes of Into Carnival Row in the days to come!
Editor’s Note: Nerdist is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.