No one can match the resume of Homer SimpsonOpens in a new tab. Just about any job you can think of he’s hadOpens in a new tab. He’s been a boxer and a clown. Worked at the Kwik-E-Mart as a cashier. He was even a baseball mascot and head of sanitation. Homer has risked it all to support his family for more than three decades. Even though a lot of those gigs have been dangerous. And it hasn’t helped that, despite being the safety inspector at a nuclear power plant, he’s pretty reckless. Between his work, clumsiness, and lifestyle, Homer has had countless injuries over the years. Just how many might shock you, though. Because a new study says The SimpsonsOpens in a new tab‘ patriarch has accrued $143 million in medical bills.
Fortunately, he has two things going for him. He did a great job securing a new contract as president of his union. And he lives in an animated version of the United States.

Downtown L.A. Law GroupOpens in a new tab is an accident and injury law group that used its real researchers to determine the cost of Homer Simpson’s fictional injuries. The group examined a sample of 50 accidents Homer has suffered over the years. Then priced out the real-world cost of treating each of them.
No surprise, Homer’s extensive brain injuries topped the list ($1,525,5000 per incident). Paralysis came in second ($508,904). But those totals are a mere pittance compared to the overall medical bill Homer has accrued during the show’s run as a result of “stunts, bad luck, and general accident-prone nature.” The study estimates the total cost of injuries per episode at more than $10 million. With 706 episodes, the overall total rings up at roughly $143 million. D’oh!

Good news/bad news. These prices reflect what Homer would pay if he did not have medical insurance. But he’s a cartoon, so he’s okay. Plus, he got his fellow nuclear power plant employees a good deal with Mr. Burns. Homer was such a good union president he even got them a dental plan! How many Americans can say that?
Next time though, he should work on adding concussion insurance. Even for an animated character, we’re worried about him.