Geeky Ways to Decorate those Easter Eggs

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Easter is this weekend, which as South Park delved into years ago, means people decorate Easter eggs and we just have to go with it.

To celebrate, we put together a fun gallery of geek-inspired ways you can deck out your own eggs. And for those of you who don’t want to get your hands dirty, check out this LEGO Egg decorator that does all the work for you. Beats getting that messy food dye all over the counter, that’s for sure.

But there’s a lot of cool eggs in here. Get egg-cited!  We’ve got everything from Game of Thrones, to some Doctor Who eggs, as well. Egg-terminate? I could do this all day.

Oh, and maybe I also managed to sneak in some Easter Eggs that I decorated myself a few years back. Banjo-Kazooie for the win! Happy Easter, and be sure to share your own geek-inspired egg creations with us!

How are you planning to decorate your Easter eggs this year? Be sure to share your favorites with us on social media and in the comments!

Image credits: Main image – JK Brickworks

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