Last year, George R.R. Martin went full fire and blood on House of the Dragon. He wrote a stunning, impassioned post laying out his many issues with the show. But whatever problems he has with HBO, they seem limited to just the Dance of the Dragons. He’s beyond happy with the network’s next Game of Thrones spinoff series, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. The author took to his Not a Blog with a very different kind of post after seeing the recently completed first season. Martin says he couldn’t be happier with this “faithful” take on his beloved boys.

George R.R. Martin says the six-episode first season of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is done. Even more important is that he “loved” what he saw. In a Not a Blog post titled “Dunk, Egg, a Few Random Mutterings,” he praised the show’s creators and cast for bringing his first Dunk and Egg novella “The Hedge Knight” to life. He also explained why the duo is so important to him personally. He said they were crucial to making his A Song of Ice and Fire book series grow in popularity, as some they introduced all-new readers to his fantasy world.
But the biggest news, especially for readers, is what he said about how the show treats his story. If you love faithful adaptations, praise the old gods and the new. Martin says A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is “as faithful as adaptation as a reasonable man could hope for (and you all know how increedibly (sic) reasonable I am on that particular subject).”
Good line, George. Good line.

As for when the rest of us will get a chance to see this faithful adaptation Martin isn’t totally sure. He said it will arrive at HBO later this year and he’s hoping that means the fall.
As for what happens next, both for the spinoff series and him, Martin finished with this:
Meanwhile, we’ll be moving on to “The Sworn Sword,” the second tale of Dunk & Egg. And once I finish THE WINDS OF WINTER, I will need to get hopping on “The Village Hero,” and all the other tales that await the lads. Don’t worry, I am sure you folks will remind me.
You know what? We’re so happy with this update that for a brief moment we’re going to enjoy it by having “faith” he will finish The Winds of Winter. And until he does we’ll just re-read The Hedge Knight to get ready for the show.