Funko Announces First Ever Virtual Convention

No one loves to look for deals via the convention circuit more than collectors of Funko Pop!Opens in a new tab vinyl figures. And with the news of Emerald City Comic Con in Washington being postponedOpens in a new tab to due the Coronavirus threat, many fans who love to scour the con floor for collectibles have been forced to alter their plans at the last minute. Well, just because ECCC isn’t happening this weekend, that doesn’t mean there won’t be  a convention. Only, this time the convention will be all online, as Funko has announced their first ever Virtual Con!

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The Funko Virtual Con starts on Wednesday, March 11 with a livestream straight from Funko headquarters in Washington state. Funko will give away prizes, and fans will learn the details on how the ECCC-exclusive products will be sold online. On March 12, there will be unboxings of the ECCC  exclusives, along with other contests and games. But it’s on Friday the 13th when the new exclusives officially go live on the Funko siteOpens in a new tab. Who says nothing good happens on Friday the 13th? The Funko Funkast will host a livestream from the Funko headquarters on that day as well, and the Funkast panel is sure to drop a few hints about upcoming products coming our way for the rest of the year.

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Funatics who were working on their cosplay but were afraid they wouldn’t have a chance to show it off, you’re in luck as well. Fans will get the chance to show off their best pop culture cosplay by posting pictures during this virtual convention. Just wear whatever you were already planning to wear to the con, and then post the pics  on Instagram or Twitter using #FunkoVirtualCon.

The Pacific Northwest is where Funko was born  after all, and they have not forgotten about their hometown fans. Thanks to this first ever virtual conventions, Funatics will get to celebrate their love of all things Funko in this unique fashion. Those who won the Funko lottery for a first chance to purchase convention exclusives will be provided a special entry code for early access. You can follow the countdown clock on shop.funko.comOpens in a new tab.

So what are the ECCC Funko exclusives fans are dying to get their paws on that have already been announced? Among them are special Funko Pop versions of Pokémon’s Bulbasaur and CharmanderOpens in a new tab. There will also be exclusives from the con from pop culture favorites like Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Marvel and more. Take a look down below and check out all of the ECCC exclusives shared with other retailers.

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With New York Toy Fair now behind us, this virtual con will be the next place to find out news about the rest of Funko’s offerings for the year. Personally, this Funko X-Men fan is thrilled to see that Gambit is finally getting his own Pop! figure at long last. Maybe the folks at Funko have a few other X-Men surprises up their sleeve for this special con. It is the 45th anniversaryOpens in a new tab of the All-New X-Men after all. Seems like the perfect time to reveal a new wave of figures, doesn’t it? Fingers crossed we get some cool and unexpected announcements at this special virtual con!

Featured Image: Funko