The FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR Becomes a Heavy Drama in This Amazing Fan Trailer

Forget chillin’ out, maxin’, and relaxin’ all cool when the Fresh Prince moves out West, because things are getting serious in the trailer for Bel-Air.

Will and Grace. Murphy Brown. Mad About You. Everything old is new again on television these days, as networks have fallen in love with rebooting some of their most popular ’90s sitcomsOpens in a new tab. But those are still the same shows they always were. What if instead of a continuation of something we used to love, they used the premise of an old series to give us something new? We think it might be a lot more interesting after watching this fan-made trailer that reimagines what one of our favorite sitcoms ever might have looked like if it took a far more serious turn. 

Things aren’t all fuzzy dice for the Fresh PrinceOpens in a new tab in Bel-Air, which explores the far more dramatic side of what happens when a young man born and raised on the streets of West Philadelphia is sent to live with his well-to-do uncle on the other side of the country. Everything is flipped, turned upside down in this genuinely great The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air fan trailer from writer and director Morgan Cooper. Starring Jerry Madison as Will, who gets sent to live with his uncle and cousins for a far more intense reason than a little schoolyard fight, this 100% looks like it’s a real drama coming to theaters this fall.

Yup, no question, we would 100% watch that. And we are already prepared to start off hating Carlton, only to watch he and Will develop a mutual love and respect for each other over time, straight up to the point where their goodbye makes us cry. (Uh, not that happened with the original series…)

Oh fine, we’ll admit it, the sitcom version of The Fresh Prince had the ability to rip our hearts out. We will never be able to discuss Will asking Uncle Phil why his father doesn’t want him without getting emotional, so a drama based on the same premise would definitely get to us too. And if nothing else it would definitely be more interesting than just watching the same show we used to love with a cast that is 25 years older.

Featured Image: Morgan Cooper