FANTASTIC BEASTS’ Eddie Redmayne Passionately Defends Hufflepuffs

You can't talk about Harry Potter fandom for long before the all important question of, "Which house do you belong to?" comes up. I'm a Hufflepuff. I say it with pride. Seven times out of 10, I am scoffed at. Actually, I'm scoffed at by almost everyone who isn't also a Hufflepuff. Yes, please give me crap about being part of the house known for hard work, loyalty, and dedication. Eddie Redmayne is also a Hufflepuff, and as we learned via EW, he's over the criticism. The star of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them shares the house of his character in the film, Newt Scamander. He recorded a PSA for MTV passionately explaining his Hufflepuff pride. Emphasis on passionately. He talks about how we get called boring and how others patronize us by calling us "the nice guys." But being a Hufflepuff is so much more. I'll let him explain:

We fight for the greater good, and we don't do it for fame and glory. We stick by our friends. We're there when the road gets hard. We're a pretty great house. Cedric Diggory is a Hufflepuff. So is Tonks. Oh, and also Deadpool. And no, it's not a competition, but as Redmayne points out, Hufflepuff is also J.K. Rowling's favorite house, so... Don't know which house you'd be sorted into it? Don't only trust your gut. Go to Pottermore, take the test, and make it official. If you're a Hufflepuff, take your broom to the comments tell me what you love about being one. [brightcove video_id="5194314790001" brightcove_account_id="3653334524001" brightcove_player_id="2bfa565b-5412-4cfd-9211-6269880b8a5e"]

Image: Warner Bros.