This CHEERS Bar for Squirrels is a Delight

Finding stuff to smile about can be a little tough at the moment. But the internet has a way of delivering sunshine when we need it and today that has come in the shape of a squirrel and a place where everybody knows your name. Cheers indeed.

Mixing the classic comedy Cheers with the cuteness of squirrels seems like a match made in heaven. And thanks to the video above we now know that it is! Weird internet culture is truly a blessing and this is a peak example of why. Like, cute animals plus pop culture crafting, what more could you want? It’s clear that whoever made this little bar for his local fluffy tailed friend took a lot of care and it’s perfect how well the theme fits. We’re grateful @JoshuaPotash shared it. Animated Cheers reboot but everyone’s an animal? Anyone? Anyone?

Cheers is one of our favorite cozy binge watches and this has just expanded our love for the classic sitcom. If you haven’t checked out the beloved comedy now is a great time. Cheers centers on Ted Danson’s retired ball player who now runs a bar in Boston. As we follow the daily travails of the regulars, bartenders, and their friends Cheers constantly delights and surprises. If you’re a fan of Frasier you might be surprised to know it span-out of Cheers! The series is currently streaming on Netflix in case this little floof has inspired you to check it out.

This CHEERS Bar for Squirrels is a Delight_1


Anyway, personally we can’t get enough of this cute little guy taking a pew and a brew at the end of a tough day. So, don’t mind us we’ll just be mainlining this 30 second video over and over any time we feel a little low. Feel free to join us in this little respite! After all, sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your squeak.

Featured Image: NBC