One of the best things about cartoons is that unlike actual actors they never have to get old. Bart, Lisa, and Maggie can still be kids for 33 seasons of The SimpsonsOpens in a new tab. Just like the Scooby Doo gang can drive the Mystery Machine for decades without ever filling out Medicare paperwork. And since cartoons don’t age, we never have to think about their mortality. At least we didn’t until we saw this artist’s anatomically correct 3D-renderings of animated characters’ skulls. But don’t worry, they’re so cool you’ll still be able to ignore the thought of SpongeBobOpens in a new tab actually dying. At least for a little bit.

Czech freelance 3D artist Filip Hodas has turned classic cartoons into works of art that are both macabre and playful. His Cartoon Fossils collectionOpens in a new tab (which we first came across at Bored PandaOpens in a new tab) imagines what lies underneath the animated skin and muscle of some famous animated features. (With some defining features like hats and glasses to make each computer rendering easily recognizable.) That includes—aww gawrsh— Canis Goofus, the skull of Goofy. As well as Anas Scroogius, the cranial remains of Scrooge McDuck. A poignant reminder that death awaits the rich and poor alike.
And who resides in a coffin under the sea? The barnacle-encrusted skull of Spongia Bobæ, SpongeBob Squarepants. He’s joined in the collection by the decaying head of Homo Popoculis. As Popeye proves no amount of spinach can make you powerful enough to defeat the Grim Reaper.

Hodas also memorialized Mus Minnius (Minnie Mouse) and Canaria Tweeta (Tweety Bird). Their skulls also stand as a testament to the cats who clearly killed them and cleaned their bones dry.

This collection is just one of many Hodas has created. Make sure to check out more of his fantastic 3D work at his BēhanceOpens in a new tab, InstagramOpens in a new tab, and FacebookOpens in a new tab pages. That includes another line of anatomically correct skulls. That one celebrates dead memes.
Sure, his work has us doing something we never have before and never wanted to do. We’re thinking about Goofy’s funeral. But that’s what makes this collection so good. Cartoons don’t actually have to die. And they don’t actually have skulls.