BUFFY’S Emma Caulfield Gives Her Character a Fitting Eulogy

When it comes to characters from his television shows and films, Joss Whedon sure took the philosophy “kill your darlings” to heart. In every show/film ever he’s made, one or more beloved characters have met an untimely end. But perhaps few were as beloved as former demon-turned-hardcore-capitalist Anya, played by Emma Caulfield.

Thanks to her blunt comments and pointed sarcasm, she was was easily one of the best characters on any Whedon series. Originally meant to only be in a one-off episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s third season, the vengeance demon Anyanka (Anya’s full, demonic name) ended up sticking around until the series finale four years later, when she met her end at the hands of the First Evil’s dastardly minions.

Because Anya died in the final moments of the final episode, we never really got to see much of a reaction to her tragic demise. So as part of the recent Buffy reunion at Entertainment Weekly, Emma Caulfield took it upon herself to write a proper eulogy for Anya. Here’s a passage from her tribute to the fallen hero and bunny hater, Anyanka Christina Emmanuella Jenkins:

“She began her life as a deceptively simple human. By all accounts, she was a loving wife, a fastidious homemaker, and a passionate animal lover. After a deep betrayal by both her man and her pet rabbits, she shifted effortlessly into a world class demon. After a millennia as a righteous punisher, ANYA’s power was lost to her forever. She was human, again. For the last time. Except for that one time she became a demon, again, because BETRAYAL! But once more, with feeling, her powers were taken. It was then that she finally stuck the landing as a human, and scored a 10 by a panel of invisible judges. (Go with it.)”

I don’t know about you, but this Buffy fanatic is getting a little teary eyed again. As someone who has continued to follow Whedon’s Buffyverse in the pages of Dark Horse Comics, I can safely say that world just isn’t the same without Anya busting everybody’s balls. You’re still missed, Anya.


Below, you can watch a video from the Buffy reunion where you can see Caulfield lament how nonchalant everyone was after Anya’s death (which, I have to agree, was totally lame). And to read Caulfield’s full eulogy for Anya, be sure to head on over to Entertainment Weekly.

What do you make of Caulfield’s touching tribute to the world’s most lovable ex-demon? Let us know in the comments, and don’t miss all our coverage from Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s 20th anniversary below:

Images: Twentieth Century Fox