Ten years is an eternity in any creative pursuit. How do you keep the spark flashing after so long? Much less when you’ve committed literally hundreds and thousands of hours to telling stories! This is among many, many questions facing the crew of Critical Role, who next year will turn 10. In addition to their super-successful RPG series, CR has a third season of The Legend of Vox Machina and their own tabletop gaming imprint, Darrington Press. That’s an empire! But what about moving into…the video game space?
In a recent all-encompassing interview with Rolling Stone, the members of Critical Role discussed what lies ahead. One of those things might be a video game, which the crew has bandied about for years.

“I would say it’s an active pursuit on our end,” said Travis Willingham. “The last few years we have been having necessary conversations to figure out how to do that smartly.” He pointed out, a video game would be an entirely separate endeavor than the Beacon, Twitch, YouTube, and animated series things they do. “The concise way of saying it,” Willingham continued, “is that we are starting to come to the end of a long road that we’ve been undertaking for the last couple of years.”
An announcement about it might indeed be on the horizon quicker than you might expect. He finished, “hopefully, we’ll have something really exciting to share, maybe around the end of the year, maybe at the beginning of 2025, just in time for our 10-year anniversary.”
Additionally, the question arose of where the flagship series, the crew playing D&D campaigns around a table, goes from here. Matt Mercer shared, it’s all about longevity.
“Outside of the creative legacy and storytelling legacies, we’ve worked so hard to build the foundation of this company that we want to be the rest of our lives in a way that will shepherd everything we want to create. And in time shepherd to the next generation of storytellers. I hope to one day pass the torch to a bunch of incredible people with new ideas and new perspectives and give them the space to tell their stories. And we can be the distant creative grandparents to them and be proud from the shadows. This is an enduring opportunity to be a place that fosters that sort of experience and enables the ability of people to engage with it. And I plan to be doing this till I am withered and gray.”
New episodes of Critical Role stream live on Twitch Thursdays at 10 p.m. EST.