Watch Stanley Tucci Make a Perfect Negroni

This prolonged period of self-isolation has given many of us a jarring amount of free time, considering we’re largely housebound. Many are using the time to take up new hobbies or finish long-awaited household projects. But as we journey through month two of self-isolating, we’ve reached the point where people are simply feeling a bit stir-crazy. (Which, of course, is quite natural given these circumstances.) But not Stanley Tucci. The beloved actor seems to be taking this prolonged period of self-isolation in stride. In fact, The Devil Wears Prada actor took to Instagram to post an incredibly-charming instructional video on how to craft the perfect Negroni.

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This’ll go perfectly next to Ina Garten’s Cosmopolitan recipe on the quarantine cocktail menu.

So how does Stanley Tucci make a Negroni? Turns out it’s very easy!

Here’s what you need:

  • a double shot of gin (or vodka, but Tucci stresses the need for at least a little bit of gin for flavor)
  • a shot of a good sweet vermouth 
  • a single shot of Campari

Scoop a few small handfuls of ice into a shaker—using freshly-washed hands because Stanley Tucci takes hygiene very seriously! Combine the gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari into the shaker and shake it up nicely. 

Note that while the gin drink is often served on the rocks, Tucci finds a Negroni served up “quite nice.” Pour into the glass of your choice—The Devil Wears Prada actor recommends a coupe but a martini glass or “whatever you want” will suffice. Finish with an orange slice, squeezing a tiny bit of juice into the glass (no man-handling!). Then drop the rest of the slice into the drink for garnish.

While the drink itself looks delicious, Tucci’s instructional video is full of the warm, comforting energy we definitely need in our lives right now. And hopefully this is only the beginning of the noted food and drink aficionado’s Instagram videos. If only Tucci had a brother-in-law with his own positive news YouTube show that would definitely benefit from a charming food and drink segment!

Featured Image: Paramount Pictures