Watch This David Bowie Stamp Get Blasted into Space

David Bowie was a beloved singer, actor, and pop culture icon before his untimely death last January. Now, he’s posthumously added two new successful items to his credentials: he’s also a stamp, and an astronaut.

The UK Royal Mail is producing a new set of ten stamps featuring popular album covers and live tour images from Bowie’s long and illustrious career.  To mark the occasion, Royal Mail sent 52 of their stamp sets up into the sky on balloons, and then filmed their descent back to the ground once the balloons burst in the atmosphere.

bowie 6 stamps

If you’re able to successfully chart the stamps’ path and mark where it landed on the Royal Mail’s website (and if you’re a UK resident, because the rules are pretty specific) you’ll be entered to win a set yourself; plus, Royal Mail will also be providing clues as to the stamps’ location on Facebook and Twitter. You have until March 26 to submit your entry, and the winners will be announced in April. And if you don’t live in the United Kingdom and still want to add these gorgeous stamps to your collection, you can also just buy them. Either way, you’re a winner!

Obviously the project is inspired by Bowie’s 1976 movie, The Man Who Fell To Earth (get it? Get iiiit)?, but if you ask me it’s not elaborate enough to properly honor the artist’s legacy. In addition to sending Bowie stamps careening towards the ground, they should have put at least one into a tin can and launched it into actual orbit as “Space Oddity” played in the background. Also, they should send another stamp to live on Mars. It’s what he would have wanted.

bowie 4 stamp

What would you have done if you’d gotten to plan an elaborate David Bowie-themed stunt? Tell us all your awesome ideas in the comments below, and let us know if you enter this contest and win, because we are gonna be so jealous.

Image: Royal Mail