Tom Holland Spoiled INFINITY WAR for an Entire Theater

Warning: spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War follow. Stop reading if you haven’t seen the movie yet.

Tom HollandOpens in a new tab: Peter Parker, Spider-Man, terrible secret-keeper. Holland has a reputation for letting Marvel Cinematic UniverseOpens in a new tab spoilers slip–so much so that Marvel paired him with Benedict Cumberbatch during Avengers: Infinity WarOpens in a new tab press so Cumberbatch could stop HollandOpens in a new tab from spilling the goods. Unfortunately, Cumberbatch couldn’t keep Holland from revealing a spoiler in front of a theater audience that hadn’t seen the movie yet.

Oh, Tom. Sweet baby Tom.

The crowd at Arclight Theater on April 28 was probably excited when stars from Infinity War surprised them and introduced the film. Cumberbatch and Holland were joined by Kevin FeigeOpens in a new tab and the Russo brothers. But a confused Holland thought the crowd had already seen the movie. He stepped in front of the crowd and said, “I’m alive!” He’s of course referring to the fact that Spider-Man died in the movie (by the way, Holland improvisedOpens in a new tab that heartbreaking scene).

The above video from Jennifer MuroOpens in a new tab shows the moments after Holland shared the spoiler. He said, “Wait, have you guys seen it, or are you about to see it?” Insert facepalm here.

Megan AmramOpens in a new tab was in the crowd too:

Would you ever trust Holland with a secret? What do you think it would take to get him to keep a secret? Tell us in the comments.

Image: Marvel

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow her on TwitterOpens in a new tab.

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