Rob Paulsen Sings an Updated Version of “Yakko’s World” from ANIMANIACS, Live

For ’90s kids, AnimaniacsOpens in a new tab seemed like just a madcap, zany cartoon. For their parents, it was a cleverly kiddified take on popular grown-up movies like Goodfellas and Rain Man. I’m not sure either group realized that there was, at times, a top-secret educational subtext that might result in the viewer actually (and accidentally?) learning something.Take the song “Yakko’s World.” How many viewers knew that the tune was based on the Jarabe TapatioOpens in a new tab? And how many, after hearing the lyrics that name-checked every country in the world, came away knowing at least a few more nations than they did before? Well, times change and borders get redrawn, but that just means Yakko voice actor Rob PaulsenOpens in a new tab had to make a few minor lyric changes and add a new verse for 2017, in this performance from our Alpha show Mothership:

[brightcove video_id=”5481853255001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”2bfa565b-5412-4cfd-9211-6269880b8a5e”]You have to imagine that on the show, he had a script in front of him. He’s probably performed the song many times since then, but his ability to recall all the words and spit them out in such rapid-fire fashion off the top of his head is nonetheless a masterful feat worthy of the Great Wakkarotti. Also, if you missed the tutorial on how to talk like Pinky (of “…and the Brain” fame), you’re going to want to check that outOpens in a new tab.If you’re a fan of Paulsen, you’ll want to check out Talkin’ ToonsOpens in a new tab, our new show all about animation voice-over actors, hosted by Paulsen himself and airing Fridays, with guests like LaMarche and Kevin Conroy. Make sure you’re signed up for Alpha — either onlineOpens in a new tab or our iOS appOpens in a new tab — to get full access.How much of “Yakko’s World” can you sing before you get tongue-tied? Leave your best time in comments below!

More nostalgic fun!

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Images: Warner Bros.