Add Some Lando Style to Your Workday with a DIY SOLO Lanyard

If there's one thing all Star Wars fans can agree on, it's that Han shot first Lando Calrissian has style. The charming ol' smoothie has been delighting fans since The Empire Strikes Back, and now it's Donald Glover's time to don the silky cape and make us melt in Solo: A Star Wars Story. If you think you're not smooth enough to pull off a dapper scarf as casually as Lando does, there's hope for you yet. Just add a little Solo style to your lanyard for a subtle look that Star Wars fans will recognize as a nod to the slick scoundrel. Even if you think you have zero crafting skill, you can make this quick project! All you need is a wide black lanyard and white fabric paint for a Solo style for your keys, convention badge, or work badge. What You Need * Black lanyard, one inch wide * White fabric paint * Painter's tape Get Started! Step One: Begin by using the painter's tape to hold both ends of the lanyard so that it's slightly taut. Step Two: Next, use the white fabric paint to carefully re-create the pattern on Lando's scarf. Vary the amount of lines per grouping on the pattern. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, but you can use the image from Solo above to get the right feel for how it looks. Just be sure that the angle on the groups of the stripes are relatively equal for a clean look. Step Three: Allow the fabric paint to completely dry. Step Four: Untape the lanyard, flip it over, and repeat the process on the other side. Be sure to let the fabric paint dry completely before you pick it up. That's it! Short and sweet, your Lando-yard is complete. What other parts of Lando's Solo style do you wish you could copy? Tell us in the comments.

Images: Lucasfilm, Kelly Knox