STAR WARS Fans Rally Behind Kelly Marie Tran with #FanArtForRose

It’s been a difficult week in the world of Star WarsOpens in a new tab fandom. Following months of harassment from a vitriolic group of “fans,” actress Kelly Marie TranOpens in a new tab, who played Rose TicoOpens in a new tab in The Last JediOpens in a new tab, opted to delete all of her posts on Instagram. A number of sitesOpens in a new tab fired out pieces about how hateful the Star Wars fandom has become. Even the normally congenial director of The Last Jedi, Rian JohnsonOpens in a new tab, weighed in on the controversy:

That Johnson had such a passionate reaction to the episode seemed to indicate a change in weather for Star Wars fandom. But the truly beautiful thing about Star Wars fans that was underestimated this week is that despite moments of fleeting frustration, course-correction is always possible. The healthier side of Twitter banded together to wage a solution to the hatred spewed at Tran: They created the hashtag #FanArtForRoseOpens in a new tab, which celebrates Rose Tico’s vital place in the galaxy far, far away.

Twitter artists far and wide shared their portraits of Rose, using the hashtag to bolster the positivity – and creativity – the fandom needs right now.

Even Johnson was swayed by all of the Rose love; when a Twitter fan alerted him to the hashtag, he responded enthusiastically, even changing his Twitter cover art to one of the renderings of the beloved character he created.

This hashtag, and the vocal support for Tran in the wake of so many months of hatred, is evidence of our own access to something quite like the Force. No matter what the Dark Side says, the truth is: “This is how we win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love.”

via GIPHYOpens in a new tab

We love you, Kelly. May the Force be with you.

Image: Lucasfilm / Disney