Well that didn’t take long! This week we were shocked to learn that Up in the Air and Juno director Jason Reitman will make a surprise sequel to the original Ghostbusters, taking the mantle from his father, Ivan, who directed the first two films. The top-secret follow-up, marked for a 2020 summer release, won’t have any connection to Paul Feig’s reboot from 2016. It will instead be set in the timeline and universe established by the ’80s films. But before we even had a chance to bust out our old proton packs, we were hit with another surprise – the film already has a teaser. A movie we had no idea was even being discussed, let alone just a year-and-a-half from hitting theaters, already has a promo.Sometimes Hollywood moves faster than Slimer heading to a hot dog cart, which is why we didn’t waste any time breaking down our first look at the film. On today’s Nerdist News, host Jessica Chobot ain’t afraid of no ghosts, and she ain’t afraid to tell you three details you might have missed in the Ghostbusters 3 teaser.
[brightcove video_id=”5990277424001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]We definitely missed that ectoplasm the first time, but we’re glad we finally caught it, because at the pace this movie is being developed, by tomorrow we might have a full trailer to break down.But what do you think of this first teaser? What do you think it tells us about the plot and what’s happened to the Ghostbusters since the last film? Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.