Expect Permanent Deaths For AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

Warning: potential spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity WarOpens in a new tab.

In the comic book realm, ThanosOpens in a new tab set out to kill half of the universe because he was literally in love with the female manifestation of Death. Thanos’ end goal is largely the same in Avengers: Infinity WarOpens in a new tab, even if his motivations have been tweaked slightly. The Mad Titan wants to be a god, and it may take everything Earth’s mightiest heroes have to stop him—even their lives. In the new Infinity War cover story for Entertainment Weekly, Marvel’s Kevin FeigeOpens in a new tab warned fans to be “careful what they wish for” regarding the major character deaths to come. Today’s Nerdist NewsOpens in a new tab is taking fresh odds on which characters will make it out alive!

Join guest host and the man who puts the dead in Deadpool, Hector NavarroOpens in a new tab, as he makes the case for who will live and who will die. But first, we have to mention that we agree with Feige’s point about satisfying finales offering more than just death, specifically Star Trek: The Next GenerationOpens in a new tab‘s “All Good Things.” So, don’t expect Infinity War to be a slaughter house. However, Feige did indicate that any hero who dies in the movie would be permanently gone.[brightcove video_id=”5748677762001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]

Fortunately, we have a pretty good idea about who’s safe from the carnage. Disney would have to be crazy to kill off Black PantherOpens in a new tab after his recent box office ascension. Spider-ManOpens in a new tab, Guardians of the GalaxyOpens in a new tab, Black WidowOpens in a new tab, and probably Doctor StrangeOpens in a new tab are all in line for sequels, so they’re likely to stick around. Even ThorOpens in a new tab is a pretty strong candidate for survival. Chris HemsworthOpens in a new tab keeps saying he’s done with the MCU unless he likes the script, but we think the allure of another sequel with the flavor of Thor: RagnarokOpens in a new tab could bring him back.Who does that leave? War MachineOpens in a new tab has already been killed off in the comics, so he’s potentially expendable. Nebula’s story begins and ends with Thanos, so she will probably not survive this encounter. VisionOpens in a new tab may be rendered “inert” when Thanos inevitably gets his hands on the Mind Stone, but we think he’ll be back. HawkeyeOpens in a new tab is looking very iffy, especially since he has no solo films on the horizon. But the biggest targets are clearly on the backs of Iron ManOpens in a new tab and Captain AmericaOpens in a new tab. Robert Downey Jr.Opens in a new tab and Chris EvansOpens in a new tab have both expressed a desire to move on from their respective roles, and Bucky Barnes could step up to become the new Cap if Steve Rogers falls in battle.Opens in a new tabWho do you think will die in Avengers: Infinity War? Share your predictions below!

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Images: Marvel