Easter eggs are buried in Disney films. Sometimes they’re references to other Disney movies, like when Flynn Rider and Rapunzel from Tangled showed up to the Arendelle party in Frozen or like when Lady and the Tramp appeared in the streets in One Hundred and One Dalmatians. But sometimes the Easter eggs are a nod to the non-fictional world, and Zootopia has a reference to a photo that sparked a hilarious meme: Sad Keanu (which started with a photo of Keanu enjoying a sandwich by himself on a bench and looking like the weight of the world is on his shoulders).
In ‘Zootopia’ (2016) there’s a brief shot of a conspiracy wall and one of pictures is of a Sad Keanu wolf. from r/MovieDetails
Zootopia’s been out since 2016, so this isn’t news, but it is new to me thanks to redditor Hdalby33. You can spot a photo of a sad-looking wolf sitting on a bench on the conspiracy board the police department is using in their attempt to figure out who’s responsible for multiple predators going missing. The wolf is posed just like Keanu Reeves’ Sad Keanu; he has a cup by his feet, a snack in his hand. The board is only on screen briefly, but I really need to look for this next time I watch the movie.
What’s the best pun name you can come up with for a Keanu Reeves animal? What’s your favorite Easter egg in a Disney movie?
Featured Image: Disney
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist. Follow her on Twitter and keep up with her Disney food adventures on Instagram.
More Easter eggs to uncover!
- Nedry’s Jurassic Park outfits are Goonies Easter eggs.
- A quality Golden Girls Easter egg in Deadpool 2.
- The many references in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2.
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