When you think of Prime Video’s The Boys, many words come to mind. Bloody, gross, diabolical, and brilliant, to name a few. One word that doesn’t quite fit this show is “cute.” Sure it has some heartwarming moments but there’s nothing too fluffy happening in this world. But cute is the only way to describe Youtooz new line of The Boys collectible figures.

Well, I partially take that statement back. Of course, The Deep makes everything super weird with that octopus on his crotch. We cannot forget the, um, moments they shared together last season. I can’t explain why, but I have suddenly lost my appetite. And then there’s Hughie and Robin (what’s left of her, anyway) moments after A-Train sped through her body in the very first episode. That still goes down as one of the most shocking moments in the series. These figures truly capture those wild moments well.
Those two delights aside, the other Youtooz Boys collectible figures are as normal as they can be but no less awesome. Who doesn’t want a laser-eyed Homelander on their shelf? Or perhaps you’d like to sit and sip with Kimiko. A singing Soldier Boy and a gun-toting Frenchie?! I love it. There’s also a Terror the bulldog plushie coming your way for additional delight.

For some reason, there isn’t an MM figure but we hope to see him soon. Billy Butcher has a limited-edition figure that’s currently available, so adding Mother’s Milk would truly complete this collection. And his figure has to rock a really cool T-shirt! Also, I know it is perhaps far too early to ask, but I’m putting in my bid for figures of the Gen V characters in the near future.
Yootooz will launch its The Boys collectible figures and plushies on October 17.