The cast of Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender are no strangers to musical covers. Perhaps you remember this magnificent cover of Moana‘s “You’re Welcome,” sung by Josh Keaton as Shiro with background vocals from the Pidge, Allura, Zarkon, and Lotor actors.
Well, they’re back at their singing shenanigans with another cover from a popular musical, this time a Zarkon-inspired rendition of Hamilton‘s “You’ll Be Back.” Neil Kaplan, who plays the forbidding Emperor, shared the link on Twitter, tagging Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda in the post.
Excuse me @Lin_Manuel, I know you’re a VERY busy man. However, I promised a friend, (the best male singer I’ve ever known) that I’d share this with you.
Over the past 7 seasons, I’ve voiced the Emperor of the Universe on @Voltron. So, I had him sing THIS:— (((Neil Kaplan))) (@NeKap) November 27, 2018
The video doesn’t contain any visuals like the Moana song, but does feature Zarkon’s trademark menacing intonations, set to the cheery-sounding but slightly morbid lyrics.
Images: Netflix/DreamWorks