Tessa Thompson Jokingly Explains Valkyrie’s Absence from AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

Spoilers below for Avengers: Infinity War!

One of the big lingering questions left by Avengers: Infinity War is: where the heck did Valkyrie go? And for that matter, where the heck did Korg go? Both were seen with Thor and Loki on board the Asgardian refugee ship at the end of Thor:Ragnarok, but when Infinity War opens, we see Thanos has killed a large portion of those same Asgardian refugees, and that Valkyrie is nowhere to be found, or even mentioned, leading viewers to wonder if she was unceremoniously killed off camera. That would be an ignoble fate for such a cool character. Luckily, Tessa Thompson has an answer about Valkyrie for us.

People have been asking the Valkyrie actress where her character is, and she has a pretty great sense of humor about the whole thing. Via The Hollywood Reporter, Thompson tweeted a picture of Infinity War’s Bucky (Sebastian Stan) holding a goat, saying “Me in Infinity War.” The joke in this image is a reference to a parody account that debuted back in March, @Tessasgoats, which post images of goats that look like Thompson in a complimentary fashion. Thompson obviously takes the entire account in good stride, and she even follows it.


In all seriousness, Tessa Thompson is said to be in the upcoming Avengers 4, which comes out in 2019, so we will probably find out what she’s been up to all this time. Infinity War co-director appeared at the University of Iowa recently and one attendee confirmed Valkyrie at least survived the attack on the Asgardian ship (see above). And after that, we’ll hopefully see her in the rumored all-female Marvel movie. A-Force anyone? Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

Do you want to see Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie again as badly as we do? Let us know below in the comments.

Images: Marvel Studios

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