This Full Orchestral TWIN PEAKS Tribute Was A One-Man Job

We are but three months away from the premiere of the long (LONG) awaited third season of Twin Peaks on Showtime. In the lead-up to the two hour premiere episode on May 21, many fans are revisiting not only the original 1990-91 series and its prequel film, Fire Walk With Me, but also listening to the brilliant and iconic soundtrack from series composer Angelo Badalamenti. Badalmenti’s score is as much a part of why Twin Peaks is TWIN PEAKS as John Williams’ score is part of what makes Star Wars what it is. It’s hard to imagine David Lynch’s unique world without it.

Although Badalamenti’s score is epic and sweeping, until now, it has almost never been done with a full orchestra behind it (the two notable exceptions are the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and the Brussels Philharmonic. ) Now, thanks to the folks over at Welcome to Twin Peaks, we’ve learned about David Locke, a UK-based recording artist, guitar teacher and session musician, who has created his own 7-minute orchestral interpretation of Angelo Badalamenti‘s “Laura Palmer’s Theme” and “Twin Peaks Theme” — and he did it all by his lonesome.

In a statement to Welcome to Twin Peaks, David Locke said his one-man orchestra was accomplished by using the following musical instruments: “the strings section are violins 1 and 2, violas, cello, double basses. Woodwinds like flutes, bassoons, clarinets, oboes. A brass section of trumpets, french horns, trombones, tuba and Wagner horns. Then some percussion too. Then my guitar and bass guitar… and of course the piano and synth pads.” What? that’s it??  (I kid.) You can now hear the entire 7-minute Twin Peaks musical suite in the video above.

What do you think of this amazing musical tribute? Does it whet your appetite even further for the return to Twin Peaks in May? Let us know down below in the comments.

Image: David Locke

For more TV music, here’s the Game of Thrones theme on kazoos!