Tom Holland Talks UNCHARTED While Playing the Game

I have seen every trailerOpens in a new tab for the upcoming UnchartedOpens in a new tab movie multiple times. I also covered Sony Pictures’ behind-the-scenes featurette on the film’s complicated stuntsOpens in a new tab. And none of that made me want to see it as much as this latest promo. A promo that doesn’t include any actual footage from the film. The new Nathan Drake, Tom Holland, talked about his next big screen role while playing Uncharted 4. It’s a video that also serves as a great reminder why the franchise was ripe for a big screen adaptation.

Irish YouTuber Seán William “Jacksepticeye” McLoughlinOpens in a new tab sat down with the No Way Home star to play a famous level from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The game was a fitting choice, and not just because it was Holland’s introduction to the series. He said that installment “inspired” a lot of the movieOpens in a new tab. (Even though the film will serve as a prequel of sorts, with Holland playing a much younger Drake.)

Holland also offered a number of tantalizing tidbits while playing. That includes how he shot a scene with Nolan North, who plays Nathan Drake in the games. He also explained why Uncharted‘s stunts posed a bigger challenge than his most famous character. “Not only is it that you have the luxury of the mask with Spider-Man,” Holland said. “You also have the luxury that he’s a superhero. So he’s supposed to to do things that humans just can’t do.”

A picture-in-picture of Tom Holland playing Uncharted 4

He also said the the movie tries to create “an experience similar to the games, but from a story point of view that we’ve never seen before.” Which apparently will also include lots of scenes on water. As well as a lot less killing, which stands in contrast to the bloodshed of the games.

You should still watch this video even if, unlike me, you already had plans to see Uncharted. Seeing a uber-famous celebrity get nervous because he’s playing a difficult video game is worth your time alone. If the movie is half as entertaining I’ll be glad I decided to see it.