The World’s Heaviest Avocado Weighs a Whopping 5.6 Pounds

This avocado is the dream of every guacamole lover in the world. As reported by The Associated Press, the Guinness World Record for the world’s heaviest avocado belongs to the harvest of one Hawaiian family. The Pokinis’ 5.6-pound avocado earned the official Guinness stamp of approval – a journey that took a long time to complete.

Mark, Juliane, and their son Loihi submitted their application way back in December and went through the lengthy process to make sure their claim was 100% legit. They tried to submit another avocado from their 20-foot-tall tree earlier last year, but it didn’t meet all of the standards set in place by the world record reference book.

There’s a ton of fact-checking and hurdles for record holders to jump, whether they claim to have a very large fruit, long fingernails, or any other oddity that deserves international praise. Thankfully, the family didn’t let this brush with defeat keep them down for long.


The Pokinis eventual success is literally rooted in family history. Mark Pokini used a seed from his parents’ 50-year-old tree and planted it when his son was born. It all makes for a really cool avocado origin story. And, after a failed attempt at world record glory, the Pokini family took time to put together all the right people and documentation to ensure they grew a winner.

Surprisingly, they claimed the avocado grew without intervention in terms of watering nor extra fertilization. Hawaii is the land of paradise and beautiful things and, well, there’s nothing more gorgeous that a perfectly ripe avocado. Sure, it only lasts for 48 seconds, but those moments are still completely awesome.

Of course, the avocado had to be used before it went bad. The family decided to make a lot of guacamole and share it with all of their relatives and friends. The average sized avocado is only a mere six ounces, which means this bowl of dip had to be pretty big. And, maybe they decided to keep the pit to plant a new tree or simply hold onto for a while for no good reason.

No matter what, the bragging rights are already in place until someone can produce an avocado larger than 5.6 pounds. This picture of Loihi with the prized fruit is pretty great and also a reminder that an avocado can really grow to be the size of a small dog. The only difference is a dog isn’t meant to be ripened and spread on a piece of toast for breakfast.

How long will this avocado reign supreme in the ongoing Guinness World Records battle? No one knows how stiff the competition. Perhaps there are other avocado growers who are already plotting to take the top spot. But, for now, the Pokini family can sit back, eat guacamole, and enjoy the recognition they have wanted for years.

Featured Image: iStockphoto

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